solar panel in depth


What exactly Solar Panels are?

Solar (Sun) Panels (PV-Panels) are basically electricity generator panels,solar panel in depth Articles they convert light emitted from Sun which are basically energy particles called ‘Photons’ into electricity. They can be used for variety of needs which may include telecommunication system, remote power systems for remote lodgings and to produce cheap electricity for residential and commercial sectors

Types of Solar Panels:

There are basically three types of solar panels which differ from each other in terms of capabilities such as convert rate, cost and quality. They are given below;

Solar panel type

High efficiency
Higher costs
Low cost
Lower efficiency
Portable and flexible
Lowest efficiency

What are different solar panels made of?

Solar panels are made of solar cells which are required to produce electricity, these cells are made from a semi-conducting material that converts light into electricity. Silicon is the major component which act as semiconductor and hence all solar cells are made from it.

The most effective and efficient kinds of solar panels are monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panel price in pakistan. Their cells are made up Panneaux acoustiques imprimés of silicon waters, they are assembled in columns and rows which makes up a rectangle shape once framed together on a glass sheet. Both of these types are made from silicon but composition of silicon in their cells vary from each other. In contrast to polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels, thin-film panels are made from variety of materials and they are the cheapest of them both. Their cells are made from cadmium telluride (Cdte) with amorphous silicon touch.

How Solar Panels function?

They function all the same, but monocrystalline is the one with black solar cells because they have the purest silicon in them and they are heaviest and expensive of all types of solar panels. They capture light within cells and has capacity of 20% electricity storage, they are used in big set ups as they cost a lot both in product and labor and installment costs as many risks are involved during installment process.

Polycrystalline is also made from silicon but the composition of silicon is less, making the solar cells more blue instead of black. They are lighter and cheaper but still their capacity is 17% and their conversion rate is steady.

The cheapest and most widely used type of solar panels are Thin-film solar panels which are made partially from silicon and mostly from other materials. It is lightest and can only bear capacity of 5% of storage while conversion rate is just okay. They are mostly used in residential areas.

What are bifacial solar panels?

They can capture sunlight from both the front and back of the panel, thus producing more electricity than comparably sized, traditional solar panels. Many bifacial solar panels will have a transparent back sheet so that sunlight can go through the panel, reflect off the ground surface and back upwards towards the solar cells on the back side of the panel. These solar panels are typically manufactured with monocrystalline solar cells, but polycrystalline bifacial solar panels exist as well.

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